How it Works

How it Works

It is a very simple process to start with us and earn money passively

Create Account

By Creating an account, user will be able to have access to our Services

Verify Email Address

After creating the account, user need to verify the email Address

KYC Verification

A KYC Verification is required before user can make any withdrawal

Deposit Money

Users can deposit using any of the Availably manual gateways

Invest in A Plan

Users can invest in any plan or schema to enjoy the profit which will add on profit wallet

Transfer Money

User can transfer money to another user provided that it is a deposited money that has not been invested. User can also transfer money in profit wallet to another user

Refer to Friends

User will receive a referral bonus each time a referee makes an investment

We are more than 350K+ family members. You are welcome to join us with high confidence